Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hero or Traitor??

I was just wondering this morning as I was watching The Today Show if Edward Snowden IS actually a whistleblower or just an outright traitor.  From what I know, in my opinion this guy is a criminal with no sense of patriotism and he crossed the line.  He betrayed his country and unfortunately we're all less safe because of it.

Here's the definition of a whistleblower:
"a person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing."
And, here's the definition of a traitor:
"a person who is guilty of treason or treachery, in betraying friends, country, a cause or trust, etc."
Pretty simple, right?  So, why so much debate?  To me, it's very black and white.
If you've been living under a rock for the past week or so (that would include lying on a beach with a cocktail in hand ... I totally support that!), in a nutshell, Snowden worked for a defense contractor, he had top secret clearance and he released classified documents unveiling an NSA surveillance program.  Now this is crystal clear, and I know this because The Husband has top secret clearance and has for years ... if you sign on to a job and you are given top secret clearance, you MAY NOT release classified information.  Period.  Bottom line.  Very simple, you moron.  In Snowden's opinion, which holds zero weight to me because he's 29 years old and apparently thinks he knows what's best for all Americans even though he's had very little life experience, he thinks its important for the American public to know about the NSA's program and debate it.  What??  I don't need to debate my protection!  I just want my family and friends and all Americans to be protected you numskill!
I think I've made it pretty clear that my opinion is that this guy should be punished to the full extent.  The NSA's surveillance program doesn't have the government listening to all of our conversations about what we had for dinner last night or Betty is cheating on her husband Todd or my kid needs a math tutor.  The program is designed not to spy on 35 million Americans but rather to find out whether someone is calling Yemen 75 times over a 2 month period or if a person is discussing a pipe bomb.  Is that what your discussing on your phone converations?  If so, then I want my government to listen.  If not, then don't worry about it, you're in the clear.  I know I'm not doing anything wrong so listen away government!

I'll wrap up by saying that unfortunately this is the world we live in now, this is our reality.  It's a different time made up of terrorists and terribly awful people.  I don't want anymore attacks on US soil therefore I want my government to protect me and my family.  So, to the NSA, do what you need to do.  Make my world safer.  I don't want or need to have transparency of your programs.  I've got quite enough on my plate to worry about and I'm not going to feel any safer knowing how you sniff out the bad people in the world.  I'll do my job and you do yours.  Deal??  Great.  And, more importantly, thank you.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Catching Hell

I just watched Catching Hell again on ESPN.  If you're a Cubs fan, this is a must-see.  It's a tormenting program to watch but it may make you think differently about Steve Bartman ...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Visit Pippin's

Next time you are in Chicago, visit Pippin's Tavern on Rush Street.  My BFFs and I (see post from May 6) had the best time there last weekend.  Cold beers, great tunes, tv's, good-looking clientele . . . everything you need.

And don't miss my FAVORITE Chicago establishment The Lodge! Best.  Place.  Ever.

Product Sent From Heaven

It is as if angels have come down from heaven, with their harp music and all, and dropped this magnificent new product in our laps.  Yes ladies, it's BB Cream.  If you don't know what it is yet, google it or run to a department store and get a sample because it will change your life.  A little dramatic?  I don't think so.  Let's review ...

BB Creams prime, hydrate, protect with SPF, provide coverage, treat skin with high levels of active skincare ingredients, color correct and even tone. In my routine, that means I'm substituting 4-5 products for 1.  How awesome and cost effective is that?!  And, BB Creams are concentrated so a pea-size is just enough.  You can wear your BB Cream alone for light coverage (which is great for day or kickin' around on the weekend) or blend it with your foundation for heavier coverage.  If you have dry skin, be sure to layer it with your moisturizer for added (and probably necessary) skincare benefits.

Of course, there are a bunch out there so test a few out and see what works for you.  A tip:  if you go to Sephora, they will give you small samples to take home.  Now, I like some coverage and I don't like to look dewy.  Here are the 2 that work for me ... Smashbox Camera Ready and Stila Stay All Day 10-in-1.  Also, check out this article from Allure.  I trust anything this magazine says because they test a ton of products.  8 Best Multitasking BB Creams

Remember, I am NOT a skincare professional, therefore am NOT an expert in this area.  But I am a product junkie and have tried everything under the sun.  Give BB Creams a try and let me know what you think.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Best Friends Forever

I just spent the last 4 days with some of the best girlfriends in the world.  It made me ponder relationships, especially female friend relationships.  I've known this group of women since college, a couple I've known longer.  That's 27+ years.  So, to say I know them well is an understatement.

To me, friendships become more important as the pressures of life gang up on you.  The BFFs and I have been through weddings, illnesses, births, divorces, deaths, job promotions, hysterically funny everyday moments, embarrassing moments and the awful "I'm sorry but the company is downsizing and we're laying you off."  At all these times in our lives, not just the tough ones, your friendships are invaluable.  They give you a sense of overall well-being and happiness and make you feel more comfortable with your personal identity.  Let's be honest ... how could we possibly be happy and have a full life without our friends?

Now, don't get me wrong.  This is not to say that sometimes you don't get angry or disappointed in a friend.  But, when you're in a lifelong committed friendship, you work it out.  You always find a way to work it out.  I'm not going to dedicate blog time right now talking about broken friendships or the friend who yapped all over town about your private life or the ex-friend who stole your man.  This blog post is entirely positive, mainly because I can't stop laughing to myself today when I have a flashback to a funny comment or story from one of the BFFs this weekend.

So, let's tip our hats to our friends.  And, to my friends who I have known and loved since our days in South Dakota, I truly deeply love and cherish you.  I find that the older we get, the harder it is to make new true friends.  Maybe it's because we're more discerning, we've lived and learned.  Or, maybe it's just that you already have exactly what you need ... I know that's my truth.

Enjoy the pictures ...

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Sick Little One ... But Still Have a Style Recommendation

I've had a little one home from school the last couple days with a fever.  But, it will not deter me from a fashion tip!

I recently discovered (maybe I'm late to the party) the denim from JCrew.  If you know me, you know this is surprising because I am a VERY loyal Paige Denim and Joe's Jeans girl.  For spring and summer, I got the Cropped Matchstick Jeans in White and Mint.  Love, love, love.  Wear them with heels or flip flops, rolled a bit or not rolled.  Any way you wear them, they are denim perfection.

Side note:  if you live in the San Diego area, go see Shannon Spear, the Personal Stylist at UTC's JCrew store.  This stylish and approachable lady definitely knows what she's talking about!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Should We Care About the F-Bomb?

I've obviously got sports on my mind this morning ...

So, yesterday during an emotional pregame ceremony in Boston, Big Papi, for you non-sports fans it's slugger David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox, gave a rousing and uplifting speech during which he dropped a f-bomb.  Like the attached article says, if anyone was offended while watching it on TV, you're going to have to complain to someone other than the FCC.  As you can see, they let it slide.

In my opinion, I think we need to relax.  In the grand scheme of things, I don't find it necessary to get all bent out of shape because of one 4-letter word used during a passionate speech.  There are much more larger concerns in life.  I'm not saying it was appropriate.  It wasn't.  There are definitely other words he could have chosen to inspire the Bostonians but this charitable man spoke movingly from the heart and slipped in a naughty word.  Let's allow this one to slide.

One last note:  for those of you who say "but my 8 year old heard him say it!"  Trust me, your 8 year old has heard that word before.  You may or may not know where he or she has heard it but I'm 98% sure your kid has been exposed to the f-bomb.

Here's the clip ... Big Papi Speech

Did You See That Shot?

Did everyone, or at least all you sports fans, see the last second shot last night by CP3 that lifted the Clippers over the Grizzlies??  Oh my goodness.  And, he banked it in!  Who does that?  The answer is Chris Paul.  Amazing and so cool.  Watch it here ... CP3 last second shot

Monday, April 22, 2013

Two Things I Love Today

I'm chiming in again today to tell you about two things I'm loving (actually, I'm obsessed) BIG TIME.

The first is the song Crickets by Drop City Yacht Club.  Can't.  Stop.  Listening.  To.  It.  Like I said, obsessed.  Listen here ... Crickets

The second is these track pants from one of my favorite stores, Splendid.  All of the clothes in Splendid are ultra-comfortable, chic and super cute.  Check out the goods if you haven't already.  Here's the link to the pants ... Track Pants

Where the Magic Happens

So this is where it all begins.  My first blog post.  I never thought I'd be doing this but I was inspired.  Inspired by my friends, husband, kids, the day-to-day ... everything.  As you can see, this blog is titled Who You Callin' a Lady.  No big story behind it except that it is my friend's response whenever I say "hey lady" and I think it's funny.  And, in my case, true.

One thing I want to make crystal clear.  I am NOT an expert on anything.  I've read quite a few blogs and so many bloggers have inferred in their writing that they are experts in something and actually know what they are talking about.  That's crap.  I simply have opinions.  And a potty mouth, but that's for a separate post.  In fact, I have an opinion about pretty much everything.  The other point I'd like to make is that I'd love to hear your opinions.  So, after you read my posts, write a comment.  Would love to hear from you!

OK, so I just finished up with some hot yoga so I have to shower before I get the kids from school.  Have a great day and will "talk" with you in the blogger universe soon.

Thanks for visiting my blog,
the Lady